Sunday, November 29, 2015

Second Letter of Imam Khamenei Towards The Youth of Europe

In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

To the Youth in Western Countries,

The bitter events brought about by blind terrorism in France have once again, moved me to speak to you young people.  For me, it is unfortunate that such incidents would have to create the framework for a conversation, however the truth is that if painful matters do not create the grounds for finding solutions and mutual consultation, then the damage caused will be multiplied.
The pain of any human being anywhere in the world causes sorrow for a fellow human being.  The sight of a child losing his life in the presence of his loved ones, a mother whose joy for her family turns into mourning, a husband who is rushing the lifeless body of his spouse to some place and the spectator who does not know whether he will be seeing the final scene of life- these are scenes that rouse the emotions and feelings of any human being.  Anyone who has benefited from affection and humanity is affected and disturbed by witnessing these scenes- whether it occurs in France or in Palestine or Iraq or Lebanon or Syria... 
Read the complete Letter here: Second Letter for Western Youth

Letter4U: Khamanei Letter towards Yout of Europe - Shia Truth

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Moon on Spears -

A fantastic video from, a great video sharing site for Shia Islam in different languages.

Link in Moon on Spears - Video About Imam Hussein
Similar link  in YouTube with English subtitle: The Moon Upon The Spears
Arbaeen is coming and millions of  pilgrims are walking towards Hussein; however I can't travel to Karbala this year. May Allah grant me this opportunity next year.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Arbaeen - Largest Annual Gathering is Underway

Dec-2-2015 is Arbaeen of Imam Hussein. I hope this year, western media send some reporters to see what is happening in Iraq during these days. Millions of Shia Muslims are traveling on foot towards Hussain from hundreds of kilometers away; but almost no TV channel or News site talks about it (they only see Self Flagellation!). Why? Because they think that this kind of Islam will change the world and if it is spread around the world and people know Who is Hussain, Capitalism will be diminished and Islam will be extended throughout the world... 

Some records for Arbaeen of Imam Hussein (as):

  • The largest annual gathering in the world (about 20 million pilgrims)
  • The longest continuous dining table (about 500 km)
  • Largest number of people fed for free
  • Largest group of volunteers serving a single event
  • Longest travel on foot (from 80 km to 500km and more)
Arbaeen Records - Largest Gathering - Shia Truth

See more photos about Arbaeen Here

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Arbaeen 2015 is Coming

Arbaeen 2015 is coming; KEEP READY for the best travel in the earth. Fortunately I experienced this spiritual travel on foot previous year, Arbaeen 2014. I hope traveling again ,this year during Arbaeen 2015, to the heart of the world, Karbala, the holy shrine of Imam Hussein (as).
Don't miss the following documentary about Arbaeen and Imam Hussain:

What is Arbaeen (Arba'in)?

It’s not the Muslim Hajj, or the Hindu Kumbh Mela... Known as Arbaeen (or Arba'in), it is the world’s most populous gathering and you’ve probably never heard of it! Arbaeen Pilgrimage is the largest religious gathering which is held every year. It is held at the end of the 40-day mourning period following Ashura, the religious ritual for the commemoration of the Prophet Mohammad's grandson Hossein ibn Ali's death in 680. Arba'een marks a "pivotal event in Islamic history" in which the pilgrims make their journey to Karbala on foot, where Husayn ibn Ali, the third Imam of Shia, and his army were killed and beheaded by the army of Yazid.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Who Is Hussain Campaign

Every day is Ashura and Every land is Karbala
There are a lot of campaigns in the world; most of them for physical human needs and a little for the sake of Allah. Who is Hussain is such campaign which is created for spiritual purposes. They influenced by the sacrifice of Imam Hussein, the third Imam of Shia Muslims, in the day of Ashura.... The campaign is introduced as follows:

About WhoIsHussain

Who is Hussain is a global organization dedicated to letting the world know about an inspirational man who lived fourteen-hundred years ago. A man called Hussain.
We aim to inspire people through the timeless example of Hussain and bring positive change in the world we live in. Our reps and volunteers organise events to give back in their local communities, ranging from blood donation drives to feeding the homeless and much more.
Imam Hussain inspires millions of people across the world - Shia Truth - Ashura
You can join this campaign by sharing their resources, by donating them or by involving in their events (Involve in WhoIsHussain Campaign).
Who is Hussain - Ashura, Muharram, Shia