Today is the day of martyrdom of Roghayya, the little girl of Imam Hussein (AS). She and other captives of the battle of Karbala in Ashura were in a house (like a prison) near the Yazid palace. She was crying so hard. Companions of Yazid take head of Imam Hussein for her to be calmed down. But she embraced head of her father and psalmed with him. She cried and cried until she dead.
Today after about 1400 years the largest Nazri food table was provided in the city of Qom in memory of Seyyeda Roghayeh :
There is an undeniable point which is the fact that the #takfiri orientation and the governments which support and advocate it move completely in the direction of the goals of arrogance and #Zionism
. Their work is in line with the goals of America, the colonialist
governments in Europe and the government of the usurping Zionist regime.
There are clear signs which cannot be ignored. I would like to mention a
few of these signs: one is that the takfiri orientation managed to make
the movement of Islamic Awakening deviate from its path. The movement
of #IslamicAwakening
was an anti-American and anti-arrogance movement which was against the
elements that America had installed in the region. It was a movement
that had been launched by the masses of the people in different
countries of North Africa. These countries were against arrogance and
America. The takfiri orientation changed the direction of this
anti-arrogance, anti-American and anti-tyranny movement. It turned it
into a war between Muslims and into fratricide.
Ayatollah Khamenei: Takfirism diverted the struggle from the liberation of Palestine to the war among Muslims in Iraq ans Syria.
The front line of
fighting in the region was the borders of occupied Palestine, but the
takfiri orientation came and changed this front line to the streets of
Baghdad, the Jameh Mosque of #Syria and Damascus, the streets of #Pakistan and different cities of Syria. These places became the front line of fighting. Take a look at the condition of today's #Libya
, Syria, Iraq and Pakistan and see against whom the forces and swords
of Muslims are being used. These forces should have been used against
the Zionist regime. The takfiri orientation changed the direction of
this fighting to our homes, our cities and our Islamic countries.
To be familiar with Islam and Shia, you should read the following books:
1. Quran
The holy and central religious text of Islam, a revelation from Allah, the Exalted. Unlike Torah and Gospel, Quran is not changed during 1400 years and nowadays all Muslims (Shia and Sunni) have the same Quran.
Daily reading of this book is advised in Islam and almost every Muslim has at least one Qoran in his home. Quran is in Arabic, but its translation in English and other languages is available at
Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. Sura Baqarah, Verse 255
So recite what is easy from it [Quran] and establish prayer and give Zakah and loan Allah a goodly loan [help poor people]. And whatever good you put forward for yourselves - you will find it with Allah. It is better and greater in reward. And seek forgiveness of Allah. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Surah Muzammil, Verse 20
O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives. Surah Nisa', Verse 135
"And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm tree. She said, Oh, I wish I had died before this and was in oblivion, forgotten. (19:23)
But he -Gabriel -called her from below her, Do not grieve; your Lord has provided beneath you a stream.(19:24)
And shake toward you the trunk of the palm tree; it will drop upon you ripe, fresh dates. (Suraat Mariam 19:25)
Several Quranic software for Windows, Linux, Android, iOS and other platforms are available and you can take them from Google Play and other App stores.
2. History of Islam
Every nation and religion has a history behind it and reading the history is very important for us to have a background of Islam. It also prevents us from making similar mistakes, previous Muslims performed. There are a lot of historical books and we can not say which one is better, but in you can find several historical readings. However, several historical documents are cited in Quran and Nahj-al-Balagheh as well.
3. Nahj al Balagha
Nahjul-Balagha (The Method of Eloquence) is a book gathered by Seyyed Razi from Sayings and Sermons of Imam Ali. Its eloquence is on top of all other Arabic books except Quran. Reading this book, you will be more familiar with Imam Ali (AS) the first Imam after the Prophet (SAWA). The following links are online version of Nahjul-Balaghah
Islam and specially Shia, have a lot of holy texts taken from the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) and his Ahle-Beyt (Fatima and 12 Imams). Some of them are in the form of Dua (supplication). These are not obligatory to be read in a regular manner, but reading Dua make a pleasant feel and we usually think we are more near with God after reading Dua.
The book Mafatih-Al-Janan (Keys of The Heaven) is the most popular book in Shia community so that almost all Shia Muslims have a Mafatih in their home and read some of it's Duas in special times.
5. Resalah
As a shia Muslim, you must follow a Grand Ayatollah (a religious expert with special conditions) to perform your religious doing (secondary principles) according to his Fatwas. For example these are two Fatwas from Imam Khamenei :
Q: There are some dead cells of the skin that at times fall off from the hands, lips and feet. Are they pure or najis?
A: The fine skin that separates by itself from the hands, lips, feet or any other part of the body, is pure.
Q: What rule applies to university students who travel beyond the shar'i distance at least two days a week for the sake of studying? A: A trip for study is not considered as working trip. It is obligatory on them to shorten their prayers, and their fasting is not valid, unless they intend to stay there for ten days.
Dear Shia brothers world wide, Please do not curse (لعن) Caliphs and Other Sahabis that are important among Sunni brothers. Our supreme leader, Imam Khamenei, prohibited this and you must know that:
Some Takfiris, play recordings of your Majalis in their meetings and at the same time decapitate several Shia Muslims while its playing. So, please don't buy Jahannam for yourself. I heared this statement from an informed source...
We are all Muslims and must respect each others.
ايها الشيعة في العالم، لا تلعنوا الخلفاء الراشدين و الصحابة النبي الذين هم محترمون عند اهل السنة. زعيمنا العزيز، آية الله خامنئي، یحرّمون هذا الامر. هو الجيد لنعرف أن: لأی اللعن تقولون فی مجالسكم الخاصة والعامة = الحصول على قطع رأس مسلم شيعي في باكستان وأفغانستان والعراق وسوريا
يرجى احترام معتقدات کل المسلمین و نعرف أنه لا ينقلب مسلم سني الی الشيعة، مع لعنة.
ترجمه فارسی:
شیعیان عزیز در سراسر جهان،لطفا خلفای اهل سنت و برخی اصحاب پیامبر را که در نزد اهل سنت محترمند، لعن نکنید. رهبر عزیزمان، آیت الله خامنه ای این امر را حرام کرده اند. خوب است بدانید که :
هر لعنی که شما در مجالس خصوصی و عمومی که ضبط می شود، انجام می دهید = سربریده شدن یک مسلمان شیعه در پاکستان، افغانستان و عراق و سوریه
برخی تکفیریها مثل سپاه صحابه پاکستان، نسخه ضبط شده مجالس برخی مداحان تندرو را در بین جمعیت تکفیریها پخش می کنند و در حین پخش سر شیعیان را می برند، آنقدر که پخش ویدیو تمام شود. دوستان عزیز، جهنم را برای خودتان نخرید. خداوند در قرآن فرموده حتی به بتها و خدایان جعلی کفار دشنام ندهید، چرا که آنها هم به خدا دشنام می دهند. حالا شما چگونه فحش دادن علنی به خلفای اهل سنت و جناب عایشه را حلال می کنید؟ بنده موضوع سپاه صحابه را از یک مسئول رده بالای کشوری شنیدم. لطفا به عقاید و سنتهای یکدیگر احترام بگذاریم و بدانیم که هیچ مسلمان سنی با لعن و نفرین، شیعه نمی شود.
en: The Prophet (PBUH) was asked, can a believer be a coward? He replied: Yes. Asked, can he be a curmudgeon? He said: Yes. Asked may the believer be a liar? He said: No
As I said in the Previous article, Three steps to become a shiite, there are two types of beliefs in theology of Shia Islam: primary and secondary principles. Primary principles like oneness of Allah and prophecy of Muhammd must be achieved with research while, in secondary principles like Salat and Fasting we must follow a religious expert (a Mujtahid) like Ayatollah Khamenei or Ayatollah Sistani or others.
The following picture shows primary (Osule Din) and secondary beliefs (Foru'e Din) of Shia Muslims.
Shia Islam is one of the two major sects of Islam and approximately 15 to 20% of Muslims are Shia. The split between Sunnis and Shias occurred following the Prophet Muhammad’s death. Sunnis believe holy Prophet, Muhammad (SAWA) chose no one to succeed him and Muslims themselves should choose their leaders after him, whereas Shias believe the prophet chose Ali (AS) in the event of Ghadir in his last journey to Hajj.
Although there is a division within Islam, converting to Shia Islam involves almost the same process as Sunni Islam. Converting to Islam is easy than the conversion process for other religions.
Three Steps to Become a Shia
Step 1
Recite the Shahadah and mean it in your heart. The Shahadah is the Islamic profession of faith:
“There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger and and Ali is the wali of God (Vicegerent of Muhammad)”
It must be recited in Arabic form:
اَشهد آن لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا الله و اَنّ مُحَمَّداً رَسُولُ الله و اَنّ علیّاً ولیّ الله
ash'hado allā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāh, va anna muhammadan rasūlu-llāh, wa anna ʿalīyyan walīyyu-llāh
Every belief follows with some rules. Shia has its own rules that you must learn and practice it in your life.
Step 2
Obtain a Quran, the Islamic holy book. Quran is the word of God spoken directly to the prophet
Muhammad (SAWA). Read passages of the Quran for a better understanding of Islam.
This series is based on Mukhtar Al-Thaqafi who was an early Islamic revolutionary who led an uprising against the Bani-Umayyah Caliphs (60s AH or 670s AD). During the battle of Karbala, Mukhtar was in the prison of Ibne-Ziad. A few years later, he gathered his companions and decided to take vengeance for the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS).
He killed almost all of the important people, participated in the battle of Karbala against Imam Hussayn (AS). Finally he took the leadership of Kufah for a short time.
He was the Arab hero who could overcome the events and lead the greatest social revolt. He adopted political and social justice, and accomplished equal opportunities among the people, regardless of their nations and religions.
If you want to be familiar with some Shia beliefs, the event of Ashura in Karbala, and several uprisings after it, we recommend to see this interesting series.
This film is in Persian / Farsi with English subtitles and The film was also approved by the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting. You can watch or download the whole series, in Qul site: Mukhtar Narrative. Also you can find this series in YouTube: Mukhtar Narrative HQ:
Please see the first part here:
Arbaeen is the 40th day after Ashura
in which Imam Hussein (as) and his companions martyred. In Arbaein, due
to some historical documents, Imam Sajjad (AS), Hazrat Zeinab (the
sister of Imam Hussein), and some other relatives of the Imam, came back
to Karbala and mourned for Imam and other martyrs of the Ashura.
After Saddam, walking to
Karbala was released. Since then, every year, millions of Shia Muslims
from all over the world travel to Karbala, the holy city of Iraq, to
commemorate the religious ceremony of Arbaeen, the 40th day after the
martyrdom of the third Shia Imam.
The walk from Najaf to Karbala
is one of the most enlightening acts of worship a pilgrim can perform.
The suffering and hardship imposed on the family of Imam Hussain (as)
and the grandchildren of Prophet Muhammad (s) is felt in every step, and
thus the love and respect for this holy family increases in the heart
of the believer with every step that is taken towards the holy land of
The following video from AhlulBayt TV is an interview with people dealing with the event of Arbaeen 2013 in Iraq:
On Arbaeen 2013 about 18 Millions pilgrims walked from Najaf to Karbala. Nowadays Iraqi People are preparing for Arbaeen 2014 on December 13.
Imam Hussain (AS), the third Imam of Shia Muslims, martyred in the battle of Karbala in 61 AH (680 AD). His holy shrine in Karbala is the most interested place for Shia Muslims to be visited. Before he was martyred, he said that his martyrdom will produce a movement within Muslims and whenever a believer recalls the event of Ashura, he will cry for it. Now, after about 1400 years, Muslims mourn and lament for Imam Hussein and take Majalis for him and his companions:
Imam Hussein (AS)
Tawhid (توحید): Allah is the only God in the world. He is not born of anyone nor gave birth to any one, nor is any one like Him
Prophethood (نبوت): Muhammad (PBUH) is the last prophet of Allah. Shia Muslims believe in all the Prophets that God has appointed to guide mankind.
Imamat (امامت): After the prophet, there are 12 Imams, responsible for guidance and leadership of Muslims. They are appointed by Allah.
Fairness: Allah is Fair, he doesn’t oppress anyone God does not punish people who have obeyed and worshipped him, and does not reward people who have disobeyed Him
Resurrection: All mankind will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment To be judged for their actions and rewarded or punished, depending on each individual’s worldly conduct
In Arabic, the term “Shi'a” originally
means one, two or a group of followers. In the Glorious Qur’an, this
term is used several times in this sense. For example, God speaks of one
of the followers of Moses as one of his Shi'a in the verse (28:15).
Elsewhere, Abraham is introduced as a Shi'a of Noah (37:83).
In the
beginning of the history of Islam, the term “Shi'a” was used in its
original or literal sense for followers of different people. For
example, some hadiths speak of the Shi'a of Ali ibn Abi Talib and others
of the Shi'a of Mu‘awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan. However, gradually the term
acquired a secondary or technical meaning, i.e. the followers of Ali,
those who believed in his Imamat (divinely appointed leadership).
Unfortunately some minorities of Shia around the world, specially in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, mourn in the day of Ashura in Muharram in such a way that no sane person can confirm it. They harm themselves with some type of blades and say that we love Imam Hussein!
Every year, hundreds of photos of these ceremonies are distributed over the web and if someone, unfamiliar with Shia believes, saw these pictures, he may think: o damn!, what an unconscionable religion!
However, almost all grand Ayatollahs of Shia prohibited these type of mourning. For example, Imam Khamenei, about 20 years ago said:
Tatbir is one of the wrong doings. I know some will say: “It would have
been proper if he had not talked about Tatbir.” They will say: “What do
you have to do with Tatbir? Some people practice it, let them do so!”
No! One cannot remain silent towards such a wrong action.
It is wrong
that some people hold daggers and hit themselves on the head to bleed.
What are they seeking?! How can this be an act of mourning?! Of course
hitting on the head with one’s hands is a sign of mourning. You have
seen it several times that when people face suffering, they hit on their
chests and heads. This is a typical symbol of mourning. But where have
you ever seen a person who is suffering from the loss of a dear one, hit
on their head with a dagger and make it bleed?! How can this be a form
of mourning? #Tatbir
[#QameZani] is a fabricated tradition. It is among the issues that does
not belong to the religion and undoubtedly God is not also pleased with
such a practice.
The more I thought about it, the more truly I
realized I cannot overlook informing our dear people about Tatbir- which
is certainly an act of wrongdoing and a heresy. Do not practice it! I
do not approve of it. If someone does something to pretend that they
want to practice Tatbir, I will be truly dissatisfied with them. I am
declaring this solemnly.
Ayatollah #Khamenei, June 07, 1994 #ImamHussain
This act, that is well-supported by western news channels like BBC, CNN and others, is also prohibited in Quran:
And spend in the way of Allah and do not throw [yourselves] with your
[own] hands into destruction. And do good; indeed, Allah
loves the doers of good.
In Muharram 2014, Supreme leader of Iran held some Majalis in his Husseiniye. In these meetings, some prominent Shia mullah speaks about Ashura uprising and scarifices of Imam Hussein and his companions. Then he talks about disasters imposed on Hussein (AS), his followers, women and daughters and people cry on these sorrows. After this, a Maddah sings some poetry and people mourn for Imam Hossein and his companions in Karbala. Typical Mourning in Iran is striking on chest with hands, known as SinehZani. Some other types of mourning like Tatbir (Self-mutilation, Flagellation or GhameZani) which may be seen in other countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan and India are forbidden in Iran, due to the Fatwa of Imam Khamenei.
The following photos are taken in the day of Ashura 2014 in Beyte-Rahbari (Husseiniye of Imam Khomeini in Iran):